Our joint manuscript with the Schneider group (Göttingen) “In Crystallo Wolff Rearrangement of a Metalated Diazoester: Structural Confirmation of the Singlet Carbene Wolff-Intermediate” has just been accepted for publication in the Journal of the American Chemical Society!
Tag: news
Congratulations to our former staff member Uhut Karaca who successfully defended his PhD thesis today!
New Paper
Our joint manuscript with the Schneider group (Göttingen), the von Hänisch group (Marburg), the Powers group (Texas) and the Schnegg group (Mülheim/Ruhr) “Transient Triplet Metallopnictinidenes M–Pn (M = PdII, PtII; Pn = P, As, Sb): Characterization and Dimerization” has just been accepted for publication in the Journal of the American Chemical Society!
New Staff
Welcome to Jens Hildenbrand who just started his PhD thesis with our group!
Congratulations to our former staff member Torsten Hanf who successfully defended his PhD thesis today!
New Paper
Our joint manuscript with the Meyer group (Göttingen) and the Hansmann group (Dortmund) “From a P-Bridging Phosphaketene to μ-Phosphinidenide and μ-Diphosphaurea Units at a Dinickel Core” has just been accepted for publication in Chemistry – A European Journal!
Open Positions
We are steadily offering projects for highly motivated students – please drop in and talk to us!
New Staff
Welcome to Nils Wegerich who just started his PhD thesis with our group!
New Paper
Our joint manuscript with the Meyer group (Göttingen) “Structural Snapshots, Trajectory and Thermodynamics of the Reversible µ-1,2-Peroxo/µ-1,1-Hydroperoxo Dicopper(II) Interconversion” has just been accepted for publication in Angewandte Chemie!
New Paper
Our joint manuscript with the Schindler group (Gießen) and the Garcia-Bosch group (Pittsburgh) “Expanding the Clip-and-Cleave Concept: Approaching Enantioselective C–H Hydroxylations by Copper Imine Complexes Using O2 and H2O2 as Oxidants” has just been accepted for publication in the Journal of the American Chemical Society!